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Défilé floral à l’anglaise!

Le défilé floral à nouveau…. mais traduit dans la langue de Shakespeare !

Morgane vous fait partager son article en anglais sur le défilé floral de la classe et se prépare ainsi vers une poursuite d’études des langues étrangères.


On March 15th, the student Florists ( CAP2) of Le Mené College realised their floral show. Their theme was” countries and regions”.

The show took place at the Village Hall in Merdrignac. The event welcomed many people like family, students and teachers of the high school, the people of Merdrignac, and professional florists.

The student florists had to realise creations of a BP level ( A professional diploma). It helped them to learn different techniques and to prepare some of them for their BP.

For many weeks, they had to make their creations in a good ambiance and they helped each other.

The colourful show was successful.The public enjoyed it and didn’t hesitate to support the students.

Here are some of the comments:

Maëllys : It was great because we could show our creativity !

Manon : It was very good, and it has brought us together. I want to do it again !

Coline : The floral show is a unique experience which is not lived by all the CAP florists in France. It’s a great experience, with a good ambiance, we all enjoyed ourselves. If I had to do it again, I would do it without hesitation !

Emeline : The floral show was a great experience.I like the atmosphere with the others.Everyone did themselves proud. If I had to do it again, I would do the same.

Samantha : The show was full of emotions and stress, but in the end it took place so well that I wanted to do it again ! Thank you again for the ambiance and for being there !

Océane : I like it a lot ! The beginning was stressful but thanks to the public who supported us, it gave us confidence. I thank the public for their support on our journey, thank you !

Morgane, rédactrice de la classe de CAP2 fleuriste.

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